Make Your Own Perfect BB Cream!


BB Cream which is known as the short form of Blemis Balm or Beauty Balm. BB Cream is a very popular beauty product at this time. Nowadays most people do not like any heavy makeup for everyday use. So usually choose BB cream. It is very light and very good for everyday use. This cream will relieve you from the hassle of applying daily foundation, concealer, highlighter and so on. Only using BB cream can get you out safely.

It simultaneously moisturizes the skin, gives sun protection, gives even tone to even skin and brightens the skin instantly. It contains SPF and also provides sun protection. So there is no pair of BB cream to get a quick no makeup look in instant life but a bright radiant look.


Make your own blemish balm perfect

This BB cream can be used not only as a cream but also as a primer under the foundation. There are different types of BB creams available in the market with different names and prices. However, BB cream is usually in a few shades. So many people do not match the color of the skin. When Keki puts it in her mouth, a feeling emerges. In addition, the price of a good brand of BB cream is usually a little higher. To stay free from these problems, you can make your own perfect BB cream at home!

Which will give you perfect brightness. It is very easy to make BB cream at home. Let's see how to make your favorite BB cream!


This is the process of making cream

1) First you have to take a clean bowl.

2) Then add one teaspoon of Nivea Soft Moisturizer. If your skin is oily then you can use oil free moisturizer.

3) Now mix half a teaspoon of any foundation of your choice. You can also mix your regular foundation. However, try to mix two or three shades of dark color from your skin color. Because after mixing the moisturizer the foundation becomes quite light. If you want more coverage you can mix a little more foundation.

4) Now add one teaspoon of sunscreen cream or lotion. These three ingredients are the basic ingredients for making BB cream.

5) You can also mix face primer, essential oil and if you want.

6) If you want a glowing look, you can mix a little highlighter. However, it is better if the owners of oily skin do not take this step. If you want a matifying look, add half a teaspoon of compact powder.

7) Now you have to mix this mixer well so that it blends smoothly. If the cream becomes lighter than the color of your face, you need to add a little more foundation and if it gets darker, you need to add a little more moisturizer.

8) Now take a small container and pour the cream into it. Busy! Made your own perfect BB cream!

Before going out, wash your face, take a little cream in your hand and apply it on your face. You're ready to go out in no time. BB Cream will save you from the hassle of using a lot of makeup every day and at the same time will give you a perfect natural look without any cake feeling!

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